All posts by GilBartolome Architects
Interview with Pablo Gil regarding the exhibiton “Madrid (IM)POSIBLE” and the Installation that hosts it. Entrevista a Pablo Gil sobr ela exposicion “Madrid (IM)POSIBLE” y la instalación que la alberga…
Lecture by Pablo Gil and Jaime Bartolomé in the Architecture Innovation Summit held in Madrid Intervención de Pablo Gil y Jaime Bartolomé en el Architecture Innovation Summit en Madrid
Sesion Critica Bartlett Unit 20 con Marcos Cruz, Marjan Colletti, Richard Beckett, Fernando Jerez, Yael Reisner La semana pasada participé como crítico en la sesión de la Unidad 20 de…
These pieces of furniture are authentic pieces of experimentation with materials and ideas of biomimetism, natural processes of material addition but also with elegance and the tactile dimension…